Gar Nichts: B0000628
Gar Nichts: B0000784
Gar Nichts: P0000462
Gar Nichts: B0000389
Gar Nichts: B0000090
Gar Nichts: L1002341
Gar Nichts: L1002342
Gar Nichts: DSC00518
Gar Nichts: A7300722
Gar Nichts: L1002603 M9 + Cooke Amotal 2" f/2.0
Gar Nichts: L1002604 Grandson on the Leann, a resurrected salmon troller originally from Louisiana. He is a good young lad.
Gar Nichts: Leica M9, CV 35mm f/1.4 Nokton II
Gar Nichts: L1001947
Gar Nichts: DSC00638
Gar Nichts: L1000872
Gar Nichts: L1000888
Gar Nichts: Baby's Breath at the wholesale flower market, Patzcuaro, MCH, MX. These are for Day of the Dead.
Gar Nichts: Baby's Breath at the wholesale flower market, Patzcuaro, MCH, MX. These are for Day of the Dead.
Gar Nichts: Baby's Breath at the wholesale flower market, Patzcuaro, MCH, MX. These are for Day of the Dead.
Gar Nichts: Blue and White. Marigolds and Chrysanthemums at the wholesale flower market, Patzcuaro, MCH, MX. These are for Day of the Dead.
Gar Nichts: Lucky shot in Juaracuaro, MCH, MX
Gar Nichts: DSC01169
Gar Nichts: Arocutín.
Gar Nichts: DSC01174
Gar Nichts: Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic, 1936
Gar Nichts: My favorite photo
Gar Nichts: La preciosa
Gar Nichts: The crew for their photo #4
Gar Nichts: Don't these guys look like they have the best tacos in town? I thought so, too. And I was right. Killer tacos.
Gar Nichts: Chicken, carrot and potato dinner