Gar Nichts:
Rhododendrons out on Stringtown Road
Gar Nichts:
Rhododendrons and a view of the slough behind
Gar Nichts:
California Poppies at the side of the road in Washington
Gar Nichts:
California Poppies at the side of the road in Washington
Gar Nichts:
Moss abounds in our damp, cool climate
Gar Nichts:
Don't know, a lichen?
Gar Nichts:
Scotch Broom, we have lots of it, and it is regarded a weed.
Gar Nichts:
We have lots and lots of Scotch Broom
Gar Nichts:
Rhodies, white this time
Gar Nichts:
Gar Nichts:
Rhodies, Voigtländer 35mm, f/1.4, f/1.4