sandyland: cheb1
sandyland: Band Stopping by Falls Church
sandyland: Brian
sandyland: Hey, Hey, Kandy!
sandyland: my true love/XXV
sandyland: hugh / umbrella
sandyland: Gibbs
sandyland: rock it/twenty
sandyland: faker, poof, berkeley/20 or 19
sandyland: rocket
sandyland: pal/XVI
sandyland: pal/XXXV or XXXIV
sandyland: pal/gone
sandyland: mother of all saints
sandyland: falls church
sandyland: KK -- for the good times we shared (and for JF -- for all the naughty times)
sandyland: Kandy, we're waiting for your offer!
sandyland: troublemaker loves jeanieforever
sandyland: '80s punkk lite
sandyland: weird hungarian necklace
sandyland: art club/fifteen
sandyland: friends from my desperate, rotten youth
sandyland: sandyland loves KK
sandyland: Couldn't Get Ahead
sandyland: The Two Annies
sandyland: Annie's LP earrings