Footprints On Light:
Bar headed goose, in flight
Footprints On Light:
Footprints On Light:
Waiting to strike
Footprints On Light:
Bar headed geese take off
Footprints On Light:
Pretty in brown...
Footprints On Light:
Footprints On Light:
The stare...
Footprints On Light:
Happy mother's day!
Footprints On Light:
Who goes there?
Footprints On Light:
Tough work...
Footprints On Light:
Blue capped rock thrush...
Footprints On Light:
Nilgiri flycatcher.
Footprints On Light:
Indian (Long Billed) Vulture.
Footprints On Light:
Footprints On Light:
Oriental White eye...
Footprints On Light:
The crescent of grace...
Footprints On Light:
The triumphant return
Footprints On Light:
Montague's harrier.
Footprints On Light:
The opportunist...
Footprints On Light:
Feast awaiting...
Footprints On Light:
A colorful flutter...
Footprints On Light:
Uncle... So rahe ho?
Footprints On Light:
The Stare...
Footprints On Light:
Lonely at the top...
Footprints On Light:
Into the sunset...
Footprints On Light:
Crimson sunbird
Footprints On Light:
Crimson sunbird
Footprints On Light:
Chestnut tailed minla
Footprints On Light:
House sparrow
Footprints On Light:
House sparrow female