inky2008.....: Me and My Gal
inky2008.....: Having a wash...female hoverfly.
inky2008.....: Yellow peril
inky2008.....: Horace was always attracted to ladie's underwear!
inky2008.....: The landing
inky2008.....: I love purple Explore 22/09/08 #494
inky2008.....: The shining Explore #438 24/09/08
inky2008.....: Goodbyee
inky2008.....: Welcome to my world
inky2008.....: Taking the Sun
inky2008.....: Lancashire hoverflies
inky2008.....: Nectarlicious
inky2008.....: Balancing act
inky2008.....: Hoverfly bokeh
inky2008.....: Sunny side up
inky2008.....: Hover Bovver
inky2008.....: " When shall we three meet again?"
inky2008.....: Buddleia and friend
inky2008.....: Into the light....the alien has landed.
inky2008.....: Nothing like a good wash to keep a chap looking handsome!
inky2008.....: I fly through the air with the greatest of ease..
inky2008.....: A girl just has to look her best!
inky2008.....: Taking the sun
inky2008.....: Hovver Girl
inky2008.....: Hovver Boy
inky2008.....: Volucella pellucens
inky2008.....: basking in the sun
inky2008.....: The hoverfly approaching flower No 1 is......