Sandy and Beck: Levi meets the Predator
Sandy and Beck: Levi & Predator
Sandy and Beck: Levi takes his best shot!
Sandy and Beck: Hail to the bus driver
Sandy and Beck: Leave it to Bubba
Sandy and Beck: IMG_1512
Sandy and Beck: IMG_1513
Sandy and Beck: IMG_1515
Sandy and Beck: IMG_1523
Sandy and Beck: IMG_1585
Sandy and Beck: The faces of love!!
Sandy and Beck: Bubba the Birdman
Sandy and Beck: Bubba makes new friends
Sandy and Beck: Mr. Adventure
Sandy and Beck: Levi & Celine
Sandy and Beck: Celine mans the bar
Sandy and Beck: The National Beer of Singapore
Sandy and Beck: Singapore Flyer
Sandy and Beck: Levi & Celine at Singapore Flyer
Sandy and Beck: Don't they clean up good!
Sandy and Beck: Levi & Celine
Sandy and Beck: Aaaaaawwwwww!!!!
Sandy and Beck: Celine & Levi
Sandy and Beck: Sister & Mother of the Bride
Sandy and Beck: Levi meets the cousins
Sandy and Beck: Levi makes himself at home w/ the cousins
Sandy and Beck: Watch out she's going to blow her top!!
Sandy and Beck: Levi, Celine, & her cousins on a night safari