sandwichgirl: mcmurdo from arrival heights
sandwichgirl: science on ice
sandwichgirl: tiny bubbles....
sandwichgirl: cold science
sandwichgirl: i'm holdng up ok.
sandwichgirl: diesel sweeties tshirts
sandwichgirl: boarding the C-17
sandwichgirl: bring on the luggage frame
sandwichgirl: muffins!
sandwichgirl: clouds
sandwichgirl: sunset over antarctica
sandwichgirl: over antarctica
sandwichgirl: things to do
sandwichgirl: rearview
sandwichgirl: 950s
sandwichgirl: runway ice and my feet
sandwichgirl: first pax of mainbody
sandwichgirl: n8 and kdub
sandwichgirl: andre and science
sandwichgirl: poobacca
sandwichgirl: me and poo
sandwichgirl: lenticular cloud and erebus
sandwichgirl: erika's 'stache
sandwichgirl: terror and scott base
sandwichgirl: white island pink
sandwichgirl: discovery clouds
sandwichgirl: sunset
sandwichgirl: ob hill loop trail