sandwichgirl: a-frame at night
sandwichgirl: haaglund drives away
sandwichgirl: lamp and snowpot on preway
sandwichgirl: a-frame
sandwichgirl: haaglund and a-frame
sandwichgirl: yay-frame!
sandwichgirl: haaglund companion
sandwichgirl: peter sets up the camera
sandwichgirl: sandwich
sandwichgirl: carrie
sandwichgirl: in a heap
sandwichgirl: about to fall down
sandwichgirl: jed and kdub pack up the haaglund
sandwichgirl: a-frame side
sandwichgirl: carrie
sandwichgirl: haaglund
sandwichgirl: haaglund and a-frame
sandwichgirl: white window
sandwichgirl: nathan writes
sandwichgirl: carrie and jed
sandwichgirl: frosty window
sandwichgirl: frosty
sandwichgirl: a-frame
sandwichgirl: flags
sandwichgirl: a-frame
sandwichgirl: barely a horizon
sandwichgirl: keep yourself hydrated
sandwichgirl: slushie!