Shekam: 3 Riders
Shekam: Going to Line up
Shekam: Dad & Chief Gary Burke
Shekam: Parade starting
Shekam: 3 Riders
Shekam: Veterans, Dad & Chief Gary Burke
Shekam: Keith Burke and 3 Riders
Shekam: Dad
Shekam: All Veterans
Shekam: Boots & Amos Pond
Shekam: The 3 Rodeo Clowns
Shekam: Baby brother
Shekam: 2 Warriors
Shekam: One of the Warriors
Shekam: Adjustments
Shekam: Laughing in sunshine
Shekam: Lapwai Nez Perce Float
Shekam: Clearwater Casino
Shekam: Umatilla Nez Perce's Float
Shekam: Portrait..sorta
Shekam: 2 Warriors
Shekam: The laughing photographer
Shekam: Connors
Shekam: Queen & Courts ride
Shekam: Tuesday & I
Shekam: Bussel
Shekam: Getting ready
Shekam: Grand Entry
Shekam: Grand Entry
Shekam: Grand Entry