Sandra McCall: Crowded Elevator
Sandra McCall: details
Sandra McCall: IKEA cabinet
Sandra McCall: detail of IKEA cabinet with Les' art work
Sandra McCall: Knock-off cabinet with Les's work in it
Sandra McCall: Inspection
Sandra McCall: Courage
Sandra McCall: Detail of "Gone Fishing"
Sandra McCall: Gone Fishing
Sandra McCall: Rowing Against Each Other
Sandra McCall: Mr and Mrs
Sandra McCall: Root Bird
Sandra McCall: new stuff009
Sandra McCall: new stuff001
Sandra McCall: new stuff002
Sandra McCall: new stuff003
Sandra McCall: new stuff004
Sandra McCall: new stuff005
Sandra McCall: new stuff006
Sandra McCall: new stuff007
Sandra McCall: new stuff008
Sandra McCall: new stuff013
Sandra McCall: new stuff014
Sandra McCall: stamp012
Sandra McCall: stamp013