Sandra King's Pictures: Arriving at Camp Elbe
Sandra King's Pictures: Elbe-fabulous
Sandra King's Pictures: Down you go...
Sandra King's Pictures: Is this the way?
Sandra King's Pictures: Stroll to the River
Sandra King's Pictures: It's my birthday!
Sandra King's Pictures: Down by the river...
Sandra King's Pictures: ed tells the story...
Sandra King's Pictures: The mountain beckons...
Sandra King's Pictures: Mt Rainier sets the scene
Sandra King's Pictures: Steve Del Mar
Sandra King's Pictures: A refreshing beverage
Sandra King's Pictures: Dolce! Saffie! Come here!
Sandra King's Pictures: Okay... ridgeback. Now I get it
Sandra King's Pictures: is there something on my back?
Sandra King's Pictures: it's a bird... it's a plane...
Sandra King's Pictures: it's all me...
Sandra King's Pictures: sister oversees all...
Sandra King's Pictures: ready for the crossing
Sandra King's Pictures: take me to the river
Sandra King's Pictures: down by the riverside
Sandra King's Pictures: a house to call their own
Sandra King's Pictures: made for the place
Sandra King's Pictures: help me obi wan potato head