sandrahealy: Nuka River
sandrahealy: Nuka River
sandrahealy: Dirks Takeoff
sandrahealy: Caribou very near my tent
sandrahealy: Caribou
sandrahealy: Lichens
sandrahealy: IMGP5270
sandrahealy: hiking above camp
sandrahealy: IMGP5275
sandrahealy: IMGP5276
sandrahealy: Ready to start down the tiny upper Nuka
sandrahealy: Lining the boats down the upper Nuka
sandrahealy: Lining the boats down the upper Nuka
sandrahealy: grizzly tracks
sandrahealy: Caribou near camp
sandrahealy: A ridge we hiked
sandrahealy: Caribou
sandrahealy: A ridge we hiked
sandrahealy: Caribou crossing the Nuka
sandrahealy: Repairing a hole in the kayak
sandrahealy: Repairing a hole in the kayak
sandrahealy: Repairing a hole in the kayak
sandrahealy: Nuka River
sandrahealy: Nuka River
sandrahealy: Redpoll nest