sdusbiber: Babies can't wait until tomorrow when they will be using their wings to fly.
sdusbiber: Mama Woodpecker tells her babies that tomorrow she will teach them how to fly.
sdusbiber: Her babies are getting very tired in this hole in the tree. They want to learn to fly and check out new things.
sdusbiber: Mama finally flies back to her hole in the tree to tell her babies she is home.
sdusbiber: The two babies start making a lot of bird noise so their Mama will hear them .
sdusbiber: One baby is getting sad because he wants her Mama.
sdusbiber: After their nap the babies are looking for their Mama.
sdusbiber: Mama Woodpecker is a happy Mama, because her babies are finally down for their nap.
sdusbiber: Mama Woodpecker is checking to see if they are finally sleeping.
sdusbiber: This baby is sure being loud, and Mama is not too happy .
sdusbiber: It looks like she is telling them a story about birds to help keep them quiet for their nap.
sdusbiber: The babies are sure hungry... they keep eating and eating.
sdusbiber: Finally, she has one baby sleeping and soon she will have both down for their afternoon nap.
sdusbiber: They begin to get tired.. and Mama is singing to them very quietly.
sdusbiber: She keeps feeding them because she wants them to take a nap after they have their breakfast.
sdusbiber: Mama Woodpecker has brought some food for her babies, and they are so hungry.
sdusbiber: The babies are finally being good listeners.
sdusbiber: The babies want to learn to fly now so they can look for food for themselves.
sdusbiber: Mama Woodpecker is telling her baby boy how proud she is of him for being so good.
sdusbiber: One baby told her that he will be good and he will keep his little sister quiet too, while she is out looking for food for them.
sdusbiber: One of her babies does not want to keep quiet. He is doing a lot of loud bird talking to her.
sdusbiber: Mama Woodpecker is telling them they have to stay quiet.
sdusbiber: Mama Woodpecker is telling her babies to settle down that she will go and get some food for them.
sdusbiber: Mama Pileated Woodpecker is checking to see why her babies are making a fuss.
sdusbiber: Both of her babies are not listening to their Mama. They want something to eat now!
sdusbiber: These babies can't wait to be set free and have fun flying.