sdusbiber: My opossum friend is enjoying the first day of spring in Michigan.
sdusbiber: It is ignoring me.. and just looking straight ahead and not my camera.
sdusbiber: Opossum is just walking around the woods looking for something to eat.
sdusbiber: It found something to nibble on under the leaves.
sdusbiber: It decided to just lay down and watch me and my camera.
sdusbiber: The Opossum was trying to tell me it wanted to take a nap... but I just kept taking its photo.
sdusbiber: Got a close up of this cute hairy thing...
sdusbiber: It sure has lots of long whiskers.
sdusbiber: The Opossum just kept ignoring me.
sdusbiber: It turned its head a couple of times, I guess it wanted me to take a good photo of its face.
sdusbiber: I hurried and took more photos.. so it could enjoy the first day of spring.
sdusbiber: It finally got up and gave me this look.
sdusbiber: I think it decided laying in the snow was not a great place to by laying especially on the first day of spring.
sdusbiber: It decided that it was through having me take its photo's.
sdusbiber: It decided it was tired and started to take a nap.
sdusbiber: What a cute face! Loved its ears.
sdusbiber: It sure had big black eyes, and those eyes did not close at all.
sdusbiber: It started nibbling on something.
sdusbiber: It sure walked very slowly.. I guess it was looking for something delicious to eat.
sdusbiber: This evening I saw a baby Opossum looking for its Mom.
sdusbiber: It saw me but it did not see its Mama.
sdusbiber: It just came me this stare.
sdusbiber: It would not move but kept looking at me and my camera.
sdusbiber: I wanted to let it know it had something stuck on its cute nose.
sdusbiber: I looked at its feet and boy they were dirty., too.
sdusbiber: It just sat there looking at me and waiting for its Mama to come and get it.
sdusbiber: It sure had big dark eyes.
sdusbiber: For being a lot smaller than its Mama, it sure had a very long tail.
sdusbiber: Its ears looked like they were made of black leather.
sdusbiber: I loved its long whiskers.