sdusbiber: This Mute Swan.. loved getting its photo taken even if it was so cold outside.
sdusbiber: Miss Swan... kept ignoring me and my camera... she found seeds that had been dropped and kept enjoying the treat she found.
sdusbiber: This Swan just kept turning around looking at me, and kept waddling onto the icy river.
sdusbiber: Mr. Mute sat on the icy river and kept thinking a fish would swim by....I kept telling him no way.....
sdusbiber: Finally, Mr. Mute started waddling on the icy river checking out what was going on ..
sdusbiber: Mr. Mute finally got off the icy part of the river and ended up in the icy water. I felt badly on how cold his web feet could be.
sdusbiber: I could not believe my eye. Mr. Mute the swan was in the icy river and he was starting to fall asleep.
sdusbiber: This lady was very shy, and gave me this shy Swan poise.
sdusbiber: Here she is again giving me the Swan look...
sdusbiber: I almost started laughing she kept giving me these cute poises and this look.
sdusbiber: I loved this guy.. he kept waddling closer to me and when i took his photo, he waddled away.
sdusbiber: These two were off on the side of Huron River. They found a place where there was a lot of treats. I love their big web feet...
sdusbiber: This Mute Swan was so cold. It was trying to stay away from the icy river. You can see it has even ice on its beak.
sdusbiber: I love to talk, and I got this girl talking to me too. Wow..if I only knew how to understand Swan quacking...
sdusbiber: Mr. Swan kept sitting on the icy river checking me out but mostly checking out the Swan ladies.
sdusbiber: Here comes the shy swan.. She was so adorable, and you can tell how shy she is.
sdusbiber: This Swan kept watching me and watching its buddies......I guess it was the police.
sdusbiber: This lady just kept sitting on the icy fluffing her feathers.
sdusbiber: I kept getting this Swan look.
sdusbiber: Even though it was so cold, this swan decided to take a nap on the icy river.
sdusbiber: My shy Swan again... trying to act shy, but I know it wanted its photo to be taken.
sdusbiber: This swan was cold... and kept waddling around to get warm.
sdusbiber: These two just kept eating the treats they found.
sdusbiber: Mr. Swan came across the icy river to see what I was up too.
sdusbiber: This swan wanted me to get scared when I would see how tall it was.
sdusbiber: It continued to stand there looking at me.
sdusbiber: This swan kept stretching its neck trying to see what I was doing with its pals.
sdusbiber: I kept seeing this swan swim around the river that was not icy... Just enjoying the sun rays.
sdusbiber: I saw this one swim over and he kept quacking at me.
sdusbiber: The swan look and kept his Swan eyes on me.