sdusbiber: This shot made me feel Miss Raccoon was thinking about something.... maybe what would be her dinner tonight?
sdusbiber: I was walking in our woods,and there I turned and saw this little guy looking at me.
sdusbiber: I got a little closer for another shot of Mr Raccoon, but he kept ignoring me.
sdusbiber: This photo looks like he was growling at me... but he was not. He seemed like he was talking to me....
sdusbiber: This shot I took made me think this little guy was about to cry. I hurried and took this shot before those tears came.
sdusbiber: This photo was taken after Mr. Raccoon spent several minutes cleaning his whiskers. Them he gave me this look and I took this adorable shot.
sdusbiber: Look at that sweet face...he looks like he is sad....wonder why?
sdusbiber: This little gal gave me such a sweet look , and I was so lucky to get this shot. Look at those sweet black eyes.