sdusbiber: Mr. Squirrel not dealing with this cold winter.
sdusbiber: Miss Squirrel is visiting me now.
sdusbiber: Mr. Squirrel can't even see me with my camera.
sdusbiber: This Squirrel I thought was so cute..
sdusbiber: Mr. Squirrel wants a good night to sleep but the cold snowflakes are keeping him up.
sdusbiber: Mr. Squirrel realizing he made a big squirrel mistake he should of went south.
sdusbiber: He is feeling really cold.. and tired of all these snowflakes...He promises next year he will either find a better house to live in or move down south. Too many cold flakes to deal with this year.
sdusbiber: Mr. Squirrel wishes spring would pop soon or hopes Mr. Sun will come out soon to melt the snowflakes and help him keep warm.
sdusbiber: Mr. Squirrel is praying for some warmer weather... He is so tired of the cold snowflakes hitting him in his hairy face.