sdusbiber: This duck could not stand the cold..
sdusbiber: Mr. Mallard kept shaking his duck head.
sdusbiber: These two ladies just enjoying the cold weather.
sdusbiber: Two Mallards Swimming together...
sdusbiber: Mr. Mallard swam up to me ..
sdusbiber: Mrs. Mallard likes being in Charge...
sdusbiber: Mr. Mallard is taking off..
sdusbiber: It looked like a very important meeting ,,,
sdusbiber: This male duck looked so sad..
sdusbiber: Mr. Mallard was so loud..
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sdusbiber: This Mallard guy thought he would get this cute female duck's attention by building a snowball. I think he thought what normal duck would be building a snowball!
sdusbiber: Finally, Mr Duck decided to quack at this female duck.. She did not even look at him. I think she is playing hard to get.
sdusbiber: This guy kept his body very low on the icy lake hoping this cute female duck would finally notice him sliding by her.
sdusbiber: This handsome guy seemed much larger and taller than his buddies. He would stretch his neck making him look like he was tall and in charge.
sdusbiber: This handsome guy seemed like he had eyes for me and my camera. He kept giving me this look... and then would quack very quietly at me.
sdusbiber: This handsome male duck just stood very straight and gave me this duck look. I think he could not understand why I was with him and his friends. He kept looking at my feet. I think he realized I did not have big , orange webbed feet.
sdusbiber: Mr. Mallard was getting upset with me. He thought I wanted to waddle with him and his cute duck friend.
sdusbiber: These Mallards forgot the cute female ducks that were near them and kept looking for food by me that someone dropped on the snowy ground near us.
sdusbiber: Mr. Mallard kept checking me out. He would come close to me and then quickly wiggled his tail feathers and would take off .
sdusbiber: Mr. Mallard wanted his photo on his good duck side. After this shot he made a loud quack and walked away.
sdusbiber: Mr. Mallard comes back and gave me this duck look. I got this duck shot. You can tell he looks cold, but I guess he is used to his cold web feet on the cold icy , snowy ground.
sdusbiber: Mr Mallard is taking very short web steps to impress his lady duck friend.