sdusbiber: On a cool evening ...
sdusbiber: The Love Mute Swans.. finally took off on their date
sdusbiber: This Swan was keep an eye for dinner.
sdusbiber: This Mute Swan.. decided it was time to clean herself
sdusbiber: The Mute Swan.. stood out of the lake.
sdusbiber: This swan ready to take a flight high in the sky.l
sdusbiber: This Swan was kept dancing ...
sdusbiber: This Swan kept taking off...
sdusbiber: Two love birds...
sdusbiber: This Mute Swan...
sdusbiber: When I saw this.. I had to take a photo of her..
sdusbiber: Eyes shut tightly
sdusbiber: It was getting late and Mr. Swan and Mrs Swan were sleeping
sdusbiber: Two mates who are swans in love
sdusbiber: Mr Swan starting to wake up ...
sdusbiber: Mrs Swan is sleeping
sdusbiber: Mr Swan was getting up
sdusbiber: Mr Swan woke up
sdusbiber: This swan decided to stand up right in the pond.
sdusbiber: This swan had something to quack about..
sdusbiber: Such a look!
sdusbiber: This swan enjoying the weather.
sdusbiber: This Swan looked like it was stretching for a long flight .
sdusbiber: This swan decided to show off...
sdusbiber: This swan did not want to play ..
sdusbiber: This Swan did not want to look graceful
sdusbiber: Mr Swan finally wakes up and he sees me..
sdusbiber: Mr Swan.. and his bad leg and foot.
sdusbiber: Mrs.Swan.. keeps checking on her mate.. who is hurt.
sdusbiber: Mr. Swan.. now stands up on his good leg.