Sandra Blom:
Asio otus - Long eared Owl - Ransuil @@ Loonse en Drunense duinen, Loon op Zand (The Netherlands) 20200104
Sandra Blom:
Asio otus - Long eared Owl - Ransuil @@ Loonse en Drunense duinen, Loon op Zand (The Netherlands) 20200104-2
Sandra Blom:
20191201 Buteo buteo - Common Buzzard - Buizerd @@ Biesbosch - Werkendam (The Netherlands)
Sandra Blom:
20191117 Podiceps nigricollis - Black-necked Grebe - Geoorde Fuut @@ Biesbosch - Dordrecht (The Netherlands)
Sandra Blom:
20191117 Podiceps nigricollis - Black-necked Grebe - Geoorde Fuut ++ Anser anser - Greylag Goose - Grauwe gans @@ Biesbosch - Dordrecht (The Netherlands)
Sandra Blom:
20191109 Calidris alba - Sanderling - Drieteenstrandloper ++ C alpina - Dunlin - Bonte strandloper ++ C maritima - Purple sandpiper - Paarse strandloper @@ Goedereede (The Netherlands)
Sandra Blom:
20191109 Calidris alba - Sanderling - Drieteenstrandloper ++ C alpina - Dunlin - Bonte strandloper ++ C maritima - Purple sandpiper - Paarse strandloper @@ Goedereede (The Netherlands)
Sandra Blom:
20191109 Larus marinus, Great Black-backed Gull, Grote Mantelmeeuw @@ Goedereede (The Netherlands)
Sandra Blom:
20191015 Mareca strepera - Gadwall - Krakeend @@ Papendrecht (The Netherlands - Nederland)
Sandra Blom:
20191015 Mareca strepera - Gadwall - Krakeend @@ Papendrecht (The Netherlands - Nederland)-2
Sandra Blom:
20190922 Bubulcus ibis - Koereiger - Biesbosch, Werkendam (The Netherlands - Nederland)-17
Sandra Blom:
Haematopus ostralegus --- Scholekster --- Biesbosch, Werkendam (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190525-2
Sandra Blom:
Haematopus ostralegus --- Scholekster --- Biesbosch, Werkendam (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190525
Sandra Blom:
Phasianus colchicus --- Fazant --- Biesbosch, Werkendam (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190525
Sandra Blom:
Anas querquedula (Spatula querquedula) --- Zomertaling --- Biesbosch, Werkendam (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190525
Sandra Blom:
Troglodytes troglodytes --- Winterkoning --- Zouweboezem, Ameide (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190518
Sandra Blom:
Fringilla coelebs --- Vink --- Zouweboezem, Ameide (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190518
Sandra Blom:
Cygnus olor --- Knobbelzwaan --- Papendrecht (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190505-2
Sandra Blom:
Cygnus olor --- Knobbelzwaan --- Papendrecht (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190505
Sandra Blom:
Ardea purpurea --- Purperreiger --- Oud-Alblas (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190505
Sandra Blom:
Ciconia ciconia --- Ooievaar --- Oud-Alblas (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190505
Sandra Blom:
Podiceps cristatus --- Fuut --- Papendrecht (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190421-5
Sandra Blom:
Podiceps cristatus --- Fuut --- Papendrecht (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190421-4
Sandra Blom:
Ardea cinerea --- Blauwe reiger --- Biesbosch, Dordrecht (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190406
Sandra Blom:
Asio otus --- Ransuil --- Biesbosch, Werkendam (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190217-2
Sandra Blom:
Asio otus --- Ransuil --- Biesbosch, Werkendam (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190217
Sandra Blom:
Aythya fuligula --- Kuifeend --- Oostvoorne (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190203
Sandra Blom:
Mareca strepera --- Krakeend --- Oostvoorne (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190203-4
Sandra Blom:
Spatula clypeata --- Slobeend --- Oostvoorne (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190203-18
Sandra Blom:
Spatula clypeata --- Slobeend --- Oostvoorne (Nederland - The Netherlands) 20190203-17