Sandra Djurbuzovic: halloween
Sandra Djurbuzovic: first own show
Sandra Djurbuzovic: crickets- musicians
Sandra Djurbuzovic: arrRrRrghhhhHHhhhHh
Sandra Djurbuzovic: ponoc mene/ midnight me
Sandra Djurbuzovic: White Beauty
Sandra Djurbuzovic: white angel / orthodox christmas
Sandra Djurbuzovic: the girl with the pearl earring
Sandra Djurbuzovic: mona & lisa
Sandra Djurbuzovic: albrecht dürer shaved
Sandra Djurbuzovic: let me go mamma, i'm 12!
Sandra Djurbuzovic: the little prince
Sandra Djurbuzovic: secret skill
Sandra Djurbuzovic: Happy Hours
Sandra Djurbuzovic: XLVI + one long day
Sandra Djurbuzovic: poetry or "Small Format in Contemporary Art of Montenegro"