lakegeorgevacations: Tiger Swallowtail on Butterfly bush IMG_9791
lakegeorgevacations: Giant Swallowtail IMG_9568
lakegeorgevacations: Giant Swallowtail 2 IMG_9551
lakegeorgevacations: Red Hybiscus IMG_7292
lakegeorgevacations: Red Hibiscus landscape IMG_7286
lakegeorgevacations: Queen Butterfly (Danaus gilippus) IMG_4706
lakegeorgevacations: Painted Lady Butterfly (Vanessa cardui) IMG_0256
lakegeorgevacations: Monarch and Asters Horz IMG_2161
lakegeorgevacations: Black Swallowtail IMG_1801
lakegeorgevacations: Hummingbird Moth IMG_1785
lakegeorgevacations: Pearl Crescent (Pyciodes tharos) IMG_5854
lakegeorgevacations: Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus) Pink Flower IMG_5750
lakegeorgevacations: Giant Swallowtail on leaf (Papilio cresphontes) IMG_5524
lakegeorgevacations: Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly IMG_5505
lakegeorgevacations: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail IMG_5499
lakegeorgevacations: Giant Swallowtail Butterfly IMG_5356
lakegeorgevacations: Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes) IMG_5280
lakegeorgevacations: Hummingbird Clearwing Moth (Hemaris thysbe) IMG_9116
lakegeorgevacations: Black Swallowtail on Bee Balm IMG_8971
lakegeorgevacations: Aster and Buds IMG_8910
lakegeorgevacations: White Admiral Butterfly on milkweed IMG_8870
lakegeorgevacations: White Admiral Butterfly (Limenitis arthemis arthemis) IMG_8833
lakegeorgevacations: Black Pansy IMG_8793
lakegeorgevacations: Clematis IMG_8787
lakegeorgevacations: Fleabane IMG_8557
lakegeorgevacations: Iris IMG_5099
lakegeorgevacations: Peonies IMG_5090
lakegeorgevacations: Wild Columbine IMG_8273
lakegeorgevacations: Lilacs IMG_7516
lakegeorgevacations: Bleeding Hearts IMG_7459