sandiwiseheart: buddy walkies
sandiwiseheart: Buddy rolls for joy!
sandiwiseheart: And...a happy smile.
sandiwiseheart: We got a package!
sandiwiseheart: Tim helps inspect the box
sandiwiseheart: Pretty yarn from Jen
sandiwiseheart: Hm...what have we here?
sandiwiseheart: Lovely fluff!
sandiwiseheart: Delectable toy is delectable.
sandiwiseheart: It's a Buddy Batt!
sandiwiseheart: Buddy approves.
sandiwiseheart: The batt matches perfectly!
sandiwiseheart: Beautiful. But who is it from?
sandiwiseheart: Baby Camel in da house
sandiwiseheart: Goodies from Gloria
sandiwiseheart: Tim, inspecting. Again.
sandiwiseheart: Chocolates from the U.K.
sandiwiseheart: From Olaf! Cookies!
sandiwiseheart: Tim tries to help open the box.
sandiwiseheart: Olaf sent a FROG toy!!
sandiwiseheart: And handspun, gorgeous, yarn
sandiwiseheart: widget face
sandiwiseheart: me and widget