Sandeep K Bhat: Get the BIG picture?
Sandeep K Bhat: Do you have the edge?
Sandeep K Bhat: I came, I saw, I conquered
Sandeep K Bhat: Like a butterfly...........
Sandeep K Bhat: Relax......
Sandeep K Bhat: Muddled memories
Sandeep K Bhat: The Argument
Sandeep K Bhat: Strike a pose
Sandeep K Bhat: Under a Gecko
Sandeep K Bhat: Waiting to ride the wave
Sandeep K Bhat: Who's that?
Sandeep K Bhat: Mac and the Pumpkin
Sandeep K Bhat: Glowing flower
Sandeep K Bhat: Something's in my eye
Sandeep K Bhat: Going for a walk
Sandeep K Bhat: Can you hear the "Hum"?
Sandeep K Bhat: I see you too buddy...
Sandeep K Bhat: Translucent
Sandeep K Bhat: Hey...what's up doc?
Sandeep K Bhat: Fighting ⇰ Posing
Sandeep K Bhat: Come to Papa
Sandeep K Bhat: Turning heads : the sequence
Sandeep K Bhat: Turning heads