chadkoh: Entering Sumiyoshi Jinja 1
chadkoh: Entering Sumiyoshi Jinja 2
chadkoh: Entering Sumiyoshi Jinja 3
chadkoh: Entering Sumiyoshi Jinja 4 (No photos)
chadkoh: Front of Sumiyoshi Jinja
chadkoh: Sumiyoshi-jinja's God of Sumo has 力 on his palms!
chadkoh: Leaving Sumiyoshi Jinja
chadkoh: Cherry blossoms offset by blue sky
chadkoh: Beach and Tower
chadkoh: The edge of Fukuoka Tower
chadkoh: Pizza by the shore
chadkoh: cherry blossoms are fully out in Fukuoka
chadkoh: The Engineer Cafe
chadkoh: Sign for the Engineer cafe
chadkoh: The Makerspace in the Engineer Cafe
chadkoh: Nice Quite room for focusing
chadkoh: Good stage setup
chadkoh: Main coworking space, and FREE!
chadkoh: Get yourself a fancy mechanical keyboard!
chadkoh: You even get a nice monitor to connect to
chadkoh: Chad at the Engineer Cafe
chadkoh: Linux command karuta!
chadkoh: HTTP status code karuta!
chadkoh: Engineer Cafe at night
chadkoh: The Gold Seal of the "Kan no Wa no Na no Kokuo", a National Treasure
chadkoh: The Gold Seal from an Oblique angle
chadkoh: The 2000 year old seal from the side
chadkoh: 漢委奴國王
chadkoh: Like a bat out of hell!
chadkoh: I'd be crabby too with some giant brass balls on my head