chadkoh: Lining up at Yoyogi Hachiman for Hatsumode
chadkoh: Lining up at Yoyogi Hachiman for Hatsumode 2
chadkoh: The new Olympic Stadium museum building
chadkoh: "Excellence" - a new ideal to strive for
chadkoh: The New National Stadium
chadkoh: Olympic Countdown at Tokyo Station
chadkoh: Zooming out of Tokyo on the bullet train
chadkoh: I took a picture of Mt Fuji from the bullet train!
chadkoh: Actually, I DID take a picture of Mt Fuji from the bullet train… it was just cloudy
chadkoh: Chad looks at the passing scenery on the bulllet train
chadkoh: First plate of New Years
chadkoh: Kyoto Station (south exit)
chadkoh: Apartment floors at night
chadkoh: Sunrise in suburban Kyoto
chadkoh: Sunrise in suburban Kyoto
chadkoh: Suburban Kyoto
chadkoh: Yasaka Jinja for hatsumode
chadkoh: Up the stairs to Yasaka Jinja
chadkoh: Through the gates at Yasaka
chadkoh: Someone got a GOLD omikuji!!
chadkoh: Sun rays on Kyoto tower as we visit the grave
chadkoh: Sun setting over Kyoto graveyard
chadkoh: Yasaka Jinja at night
chadkoh: Kyoto Tower at night
chadkoh: At Otafuku (see description for link)
chadkoh: Shinsen-en bridge (see description for link)
chadkoh: Shinsen-en pond (see description for link)
chadkoh: Shinsen-en shrine (see description for link)
chadkoh: Shinsen-en dragon boat (see description for link)
chadkoh: At the "money shrine" (see the gold torii!)