chadkoh: Molly's Reach
chadkoh: Harbourmaster's house 1
chadkoh: Harbourmaster's house 2
chadkoh: Marina garden?
chadkoh: Amazing bonsai
chadkoh: 360 of Gibsons marina
chadkoh: Gibbons Ministry signage
chadkoh: Local roastery
chadkoh: Returning home to the sea
chadkoh: Heron at Chaster's
chadkoh: Green rocks
chadkoh: Yum!
chadkoh: Wakame!
chadkoh: Not sure!
chadkoh: Barnacles
chadkoh: Seaweed rock
chadkoh: Sunshine Coast
chadkoh: "Sunshine coast"???
chadkoh: Morning at Chaster's
chadkoh: Waves at Chaster's park beach
chadkoh: Carving at local elementary school
chadkoh: Evidence of hippies
chadkoh: We saw 6 deer while we were there
chadkoh: Gibsons marina in the evening
chadkoh: Smitty's for dinner
chadkoh: Oysters at Smitty's
chadkoh: Garden Cottage B&B
chadkoh: Tour of Garden Cottage B&B
chadkoh: You can see the sea from our cottage
chadkoh: B&B Breakfast (1)