Sandy Manwell: Not to be out done by the butterflies
Sandy Manwell: Bubbles and butterflies
Sandy Manwell: Tim and the monarchs
Sandy Manwell: Junonia on display
Sandy Manwell: Dianthus
Sandy Manwell: Red doors
Sandy Manwell: St. Andrews
Sandy Manwell: Mangrove buckeye
Sandy Manwell: Graceful arc
Sandy Manwell: Visiting the red flower
Sandy Manwell: The inner circle
Sandy Manwell: One is the loneliest number
Sandy Manwell: Hand-held canteloupe buffet
Sandy Manwell: Flying high
Sandy Manwell: It was a banner day
Sandy Manwell: Profile in black and white
Sandy Manwell: Swirled
Sandy Manwell: Monarch
Sandy Manwell: Fenced in