Sandy Manwell: Passion flower
Sandy Manwell: Black-eyed Susan and Blanket flower
Sandy Manwell: Purple coneflower
Sandy Manwell: Black-eyed Susan
Sandy Manwell: Blanket flower
Sandy Manwell: Blanket flower
Sandy Manwell: Black-eyed Susan
Sandy Manwell: Phlox and coreopsis
Sandy Manwell: DSC_0126
Sandy Manwell: Coreopsis
Sandy Manwell: Bird bath
Sandy Manwell: DSC_135
Sandy Manwell: Plumbago
Sandy Manwell: Plumbago
Sandy Manwell: Owl at Alpine Grove
Sandy Manwell: Halloween pennant dragonfly
Sandy Manwell: Black-eyed Susan
Sandy Manwell: Halloween pennant dragonfly
Sandy Manwell: Black-eyed Susan
Sandy Manwell: DSC_0345
Sandy Manwell: Blanket flower
Sandy Manwell: Gulf fritillary butterfly
Sandy Manwell: Black-eyed Susan
Sandy Manwell: Curled petal black-eyed Susan
Sandy Manwell: Butterfly
Sandy Manwell: DSC_1400
Sandy Manwell: DSC_1401
Sandy Manwell: DSC_1420
Sandy Manwell: DSC_1403