samwibatt: Mystery Store (Pocatello, ID)
samwibatt: Maag's Prescription Center, Pocatello, ID (by Mrs. W)
samwibatt: Kwikee Mart, Pocatello, ID (by Mrs. W)
samwibatt: IOOF, Pocatello, ID (by Mrs. W)
samwibatt: Chopstick Cafe, Pocatello, ID (by Mrs. W)
samwibatt: Molinelli Jewelers Clock, Pocatello, ID (By Mrs. W)
samwibatt: Tastee Treet Drive-In, Pocatello, ID (By Mrs. W)
samwibatt: Former Idaho Motel, Pocatello, ID (by Mrs. W)
samwibatt: Imported Mantis GROOMS!
samwibatt: Imported Mantis 2
samwibatt: Imported Mantis 1
samwibatt: Granite Furniture (twilight), Salt Lake City, UT
samwibatt: Terrazzo floor compass, Sugarhouse, UT
samwibatt: Grooming Mantis Nymph, SLC, UT 2006
samwibatt: Grasshopper, SLC, UT 2005
samwibatt: Grasshopper Grabbing My Nose, SLC, UT 2005
samwibatt: Enraged Mantis, SLC, UT 2005
samwibatt: Enraged Mantis 2, SLC, UT 2005
samwibatt: Disheveled Mantis, SLC, UT 2005
samwibatt: Thailand 1998 - Sisat Bridge
samwibatt: Carl the Revolutionary Carrot #23
samwibatt: Former Apothecary Shoppe, SLC, UT (By Mrs. W)
samwibatt: Former Apothecary Shoppe 2, SLC, UT (By Mrs. W)
samwibatt: Buddy the Goat, Utah State Fair 2005