noel_31: The light at the end of the tunnel
noel_31: Shadows on a Paling Fence
noel_31: Bare Island, La Perouse
noel_31: Statue
noel_31: Pedestrians
noel_31: Shadows on a White Wall
noel_31: Voyager of the Seas
noel_31: Puddles
noel_31: The Ring
noel_31: Dry Fountain
noel_31: The Post Office
noel_31: The Writer
noel_31: Sign Scultpure
noel_31: The Couple Under The Trees
noel_31: North Sydney - View from Pyrmont Park
noel_31: Dracaena Draco (Dragons Blood Tree)
noel_31: Pedestrians on a Footbridge
noel_31: The Ripple
noel_31: Lattice
noel_31: Clouds Over Sydney
noel_31: Circles
noel_31: Flagpoles
noel_31: The Tennis Court
noel_31: On the Platform
noel_31: Across the Water
noel_31: The Chain
noel_31: Winding Path
noel_31: Dials
noel_31: The Travelator
noel_31: Hong Kong Street Scene