riellysamant: Early encounters
riellysamant: Tobin and Addy
riellysamant: Miles and Grandpa
riellysamant: Miles and Grandpa
riellysamant: Miles watches his parents
riellysamant: Playing cousins
riellysamant: Kayaking
riellysamant: Tobin and Katie kayaking
riellysamant: Miles playing by the lake
riellysamant: Percussionist
riellysamant: Playing cousins
riellysamant: Playing cousins
riellysamant: Setting up a floatie takes a village
riellysamant: Addy by the lake
riellysamant: Addy by the lake
riellysamant: Addy by the lake
riellysamant: Hillary in floatie
riellysamant: Miles by the lake
riellysamant: Miles by the lake
riellysamant: Miles by the lake
riellysamant: Addy and her grandparents
riellysamant: Addy loves to march
riellysamant: Fearless kayakers return
riellysamant: Hillary and Katie
riellysamant: Mist on the lake
riellysamant: Addy with her Aunt Sai
riellysamant: Paper towel roll
riellysamant: Studiously ignoring each other
riellysamant: Playing in the kitchen
riellysamant: Playing in the kitchen