Samson So Photography:
交配中的麻蠅 Fresh Fly Mating (Family Sarcophagidae)
Samson So Photography:
蚱蟬蛻 Exuvia of Crypoyympana sp.
Samson So Photography:
青竹蛇 Trimeresurus albolabris
Samson So Photography:
Mabuya longicaudata 長尾南蜥
Samson So Photography:
交配中的藍綠象 Hypomeces squamosus mating
Samson So Photography:
血桐 Macaranga tanarius
Samson So Photography:
蚱蟬 Crypoyympana sp.
Samson So Photography:
黃花風鈴木 Tabebuia chrysantha
Samson So Photography:
龍眼雞 Pyrops candelaria
Samson So Photography:
透翅蛾 Paranthrene sp. (Luk Keng)
Samson So Photography:
濱海落日 Sunset (Hong Kong)
Samson So Photography:
生態協會攝影課程花絮 Eco Institute Photography Course
Samson So Photography:
Philoganga vetusta 大溪蟌 (Hong Kong)
Samson So Photography:
Blue Whistling Thrush 紫嘯鶇 (Myophonus caeruleus)
Samson So Photography:
縱紋腹小鴞 Little Owl (Athene noctua)
Samson So Photography:
白狹扇蟌雌蟲 Copera ciliata (female)
Samson So Photography:
海南亞春蜓羽化 Asiagomphus hainanensis emerging
Samson So Photography:
白胸翡翠 White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis)
Samson So Photography:
Big Dipper Trail
Samson So Photography:
Dawn Photography
Samson So Photography:
Sun Rise
Samson So Photography:
Samson So Photography:
Star Gazing
Samson So Photography:
Rising Big Dipper 斗轉星移
Samson So Photography:
White Wagtail and Sunset Scene
Samson So Photography:
Taking pictures of dusk scene
Samson So Photography:
Me jumping high to catch the sun
Samson So Photography:
Samson So Photography:
Alocasia macrorrhiza
Samson So Photography: