Samson So Photography:
Oxalis corymbosa 紫花酢醬草
Samson So Photography:
Red leaves 紅葉
Samson So Photography:
A fly, not a bee
Samson So Photography:
Samson So Photography:
Selepa celtis 梨偽毒蛾
Samson So Photography:
Euthrix isocyma 賽紋枯葉蛾
Samson So Photography:
Bastilla maturescens 腎巾夜蛾
Samson So Photography:
Heteralex unilinea 三線沙尺蛾
Samson So Photography:
Hyposidra talaca 柑桔尺蛾
Samson So Photography:
Orvasca subnotata
Samson So Photography:
Pingasa ruginaria 基黃粉尺蛾
Samson So Photography:
Cleora repulsaria 苦楝尺蛾
Samson So Photography:
Barsine striata 優美苔蛾
Samson So Photography:
Eudocima tyrannus 枯葉夜蛾
Samson So Photography:
Ant with Aphids, an example of mutualism 螞蟻與蚜蟲之間的互惠共生
Samson So Photography:
Dindymus rubiginosus hunting 泛光紅蝽捕食
Samson So Photography:
Paracrama angulata 翡夜蛾
Samson So Photography:
Sarobides inconclusa 金鱗夜蛾
Samson So Photography:
Abaraxas illuminata 金星尺蛾
Samson So Photography:
Hypomecis transcissa
Samson So Photography:
Caddisfly 石蠶蛾