Samson So Photography:
1/2 face of HK
Samson So Photography:
1/2 face of HK
Samson So Photography:
In many people's eyes, panda is China
Samson So Photography:
We are part of China (拆哪?)
Samson So Photography:
How big is big?
Samson So Photography:
Interesting sign of a hair stylist
Samson So Photography:
Simple sign
Samson So Photography:
Metamorphosing Wan Chai
Samson So Photography:
Wan Chai
Samson So Photography:
Sky scraper
Samson So Photography:
Chinese People's Liberation Army Forces Hong Kong Building
Samson So Photography:
Lucky Seven
Samson So Photography:
Waiting for buses
Samson So Photography:
Living in clouds
Samson So Photography:
Peak Tram Logo
Samson So Photography:
Question Mark?