Samson So Photography: 台灣蜻蜓組朋友
Samson So Photography: 楊英風美術館的大廚姊姊
Samson So Photography: 我的老朋友
Samson So Photography: 烏來迷你谷的黃媽媽
Samson So Photography: 圓山大飯店
Samson So Photography: 圓山大飯店
Samson So Photography: 台北車站
Samson So Photography: 台北車站
Samson So Photography: 博愛路攝影器材店
Samson So Photography: Old entrance of Taipei City
Samson So Photography: Globalization and urban development
Samson So Photography: Egret by my window
Samson So Photography: Shooting from Land Rover
Samson So Photography: Working in harmony
Samson So Photography: My friend's car
Samson So Photography: 雪山隧道