Samson So Photography: 我與郭東輝老師
Samson So Photography: Opening speech by Tim
Samson So Photography: Biodiversity: The Theme of 2007 大會主題:生物多樣性
Samson So Photography: Opening Speech by Dr. Liu 理事長致開幕辭
Samson So Photography: 我與方偉宏醫生一家
Samson So Photography: Exuviae collection
Samson So Photography: 和泰汽車代表
Samson So Photography: 台北鳥會理事長劉新白博士
Samson So Photography: 台北鳥會理事長劉新白博士
Samson So Photography: 台北市市長郝龍斌博士
Samson So Photography: 台北市市長郝龍斌博士
Samson So Photography: 台北市市長郝龍斌博士
Samson So Photography: Outside Taiwan University Library
Samson So Photography: Pond in Taiwan University
Samson So Photography: Pond in Taiwan University
Samson So Photography: Ready to take off
Samson So Photography: 小蝌蚪戲團
Samson So Photography: 我與未來蜻蜓研究員
Samson So Photography: Preparing the display material
Samson So Photography: Preparing the display material
Samson So Photography: 我與教官