Samson So Photography: 閩江口的卷羽鵜鶘 Dalmatian Pelicans at Mingjiang Esturary
Samson So Photography: 「白飯」為福建鳥會作猛禽的辨識講痤 Seminar on raptor identification by 'Baifan' (Fujian Birdwatching Society)
Samson So Photography: 「白飯」為福建鳥會作猛禽的辨識講痤 Seminar on raptor identification by 'Baifan' (Fujian Birdwatching Society)
Samson So Photography: 介紹香港觀鳥會 Introducing HKBWS
Samson So Photography: 阿東分享觀鳥經驗 Tung sharing his experience on birdwatching
Samson So Photography: 青竹獸 (Bamboo Monster?)
Samson So Photography: 昆明的韓敎援 Prof. Han from Yunnan
Samson So Photography: Simba 與小張 Simba and Zhang
Samson So Photography: 討論 Discussion
Samson So Photography: 工作坊 Workshop
Samson So Photography: 學習園地 Learning ground
Samson So Photography: 遼寧、香港、廣東代表 Representatives from Liaoning, Hong Kong and Guangdong
Samson So Photography: 小組討論 Working in pairs
Samson So Photography: 我被拍了 Me being photographed!
Samson So Photography: 王老師與小張 Mr.Wang and Zhang
Samson So Photography: 小白與張宇 Bai and Zhang Yu
Samson So Photography: 成都鳥會的MIB MIB from Sichuan
Samson So Photography: 北京鳥會的曲曲兒 Representative from Beijing
Samson So Photography: 厦門鳥會的林博士 Dr. Lin from Xiamen
Samson So Photography: 杭州鳥會的黑咀鷗 Representative from Zhejiang
Samson So Photography: 大會主持福建鳥會的楊金 Yangjin (Fujian BWS) as host for the meeting
Samson So Photography: 傳統的開會地方 Traditional set up for a meeting
Samson So Photography: 向重要鳥區進發 On the way to the important bird area