Samson So Photography: Mountain Hawk Eagle 鷹鵰
Samson So Photography: Junonia almana 美眼蛺蠂
Samson So Photography: Samson watching birds
Samson So Photography: Maoershan in the morning 早上的貓兒山
Samson So Photography: Sun rise at Maoershan 貓兒山日出
Samson So Photography: Sun set at Maoershan 貓兒山日落
Samson So Photography: Maoershan at early afternoon 午後的貓兒山
Samson So Photography: Big Dipper before dawn 破曉前的北斗七星
Samson So Photography: Orion and the galaxy 獵戶座與銀河
Samson So Photography: Orion and mountain camp 獵戶座與山上住所
Samson So Photography: Early evening at Maoershan 貓兒山的傍晚
Samson So Photography: Early evening at Maoershan 貓兒山的傍晚
Samson So Photography: 枯木迎北風
Samson So Photography: 殘葉映山紅
Samson So Photography: 夜來寒霜至
Samson So Photography: 銀葉照深冬
Samson So Photography: Frozen water 凝冰
Samson So Photography: Ice stalagmite 冰筍
Samson So Photography: Entrance in the mountain 山中檢查站
Samson So Photography: Reserve boundary 保護區區界
Samson So Photography: Road sign along the trail 保護區標示牌
Samson So Photography: Geological formation 地質構成
Samson So Photography: Road sign along the trail 保護區標示牌
Samson So Photography: Road sign along the trail 保護區標示牌
Samson So Photography: A sleeping cat 貓兒山的名稱來由
Samson So Photography: Reserve office at Gaojai 高寨保護站
Samson So Photography: Gaojai village 高寨村
Samson So Photography: The first gate of Maoershan 貓兒山山腳的第一度門
Samson So Photography: Maoershan group picture