Samson So Photography:
Black-winged Stilt and Avocet
Samson So Photography:
A pair of Avocets
Samson So Photography:
Avocet foraging
Samson So Photography:
Nam Seng Wai sunset
Samson So Photography:
Photographers at Nam Seng Wai
Samson So Photography:
Samson So Photography:
Policemen patrolling the rivers
Samson So Photography:
Colliding worlds
Samson So Photography:
Samson So Photography:
Cloud watchers
Samson So Photography:
Samson So Photography:
Me with my camera
Samson So Photography:
River junction at Nam Seng Wai
Samson So Photography:
White-bellied Sea Eagle with prey 白腹海鵰
Samson So Photography:
Flock of Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
Samson So Photography:
Common Teal_adult male 綠翅鴨
Samson So Photography:
Vianni Cove 天水圍 慧景軒
Samson So Photography:
Yuen Long Industrial Estate
Samson So Photography:
Shan Pui River
Samson So Photography:
Acanthus silhouette
Samson So Photography:
Sea of cloud at Nam Seng Wai, Hong Kong
Samson So Photography:
Surreal sunset at Nam Seng Wai, Hong Kong
Samson So Photography:
Working Samson
Samson So Photography:
大白鷺 Great Egret foraging
Samson So Photography:
大白鷺近照 Great Egret portrait
Samson So Photography:
蒼鷺 Grey Heron in flight
Samson So Photography:
大彈塗魚 Boleophthalmus pectinirostris
Samson So Photography:
黑翅長腳鷸 Black-winged Stilt
Samson So Photography:
蒼鷺 Grey Heron
Samson So Photography:
蒼鷺 Grey Heron preening