samsim: Bride and Nat
samsim: Bride and Groom
samsim: Monks
samsim: The First ceremony
samsim: Jamie and my dad
samsim: Food
samsim: Duck
samsim: My dad and my fake uncle
samsim: My dad and my fake uncle
samsim: The ceremony begins
samsim: Praying
samsim: The family
samsim: The band
samsim: Guitar?
samsim: Mallets?
samsim: The Happy Couple
samsim: The offer
samsim: More food
samsim: Flowers
samsim: Unknown great uncle
samsim: Chea
samsim: Little girl from Cambodia
samsim: The groomsmen
samsim: Second ceremony
samsim: Dad and Helen
samsim: Pheap and Johnny
samsim: Nat and me
samsim: Jamie and Pheap
samsim: Pheap and Chea
samsim: Chea and Jamie