SamboJambo: Repairing Sacks
SamboJambo: Helping out!
SamboJambo: Waiting for the blowtorch to warm up
SamboJambo: Heating the engine
SamboJambo: Fixing the suspension
SamboJambo: Zanta hammering metel to repair our vehicle
SamboJambo: Warming the engine!
SamboJambo: Starting the engine in the morning
SamboJambo: Death in the desert
SamboJambo: Killing fields
SamboJambo: Grandmother leading the goats away
SamboJambo: Camp three
SamboJambo: Camp two
SamboJambo: Fixing the van in the Gobi
SamboJambo: Fixing the suspension
SamboJambo: The man himself
SamboJambo: Day three in the desert
SamboJambo: Back on the main road south
SamboJambo: A slightly bumpy track
SamboJambo: The Gobi, day three
SamboJambo: Looking towards the centre of Dalanzagad
SamboJambo: Typical Mongolian town
SamboJambo: The main road through Dalanzagad
SamboJambo: Our ger and van
SamboJambo: Dalanzagad
SamboJambo: The south Mongolian town of Dalanzagad
SamboJambo: Sarahs birthday in the desert
SamboJambo: Our ger on night three
SamboJambo: The view from Dalanzagad