snoreis: Pear Lake Trail
snoreis: Pear Lake Trail
snoreis: Pear Lake Trail -- Photo-merge
snoreis: Pear Lake Trail -- Photo-merge
snoreis: Pear Lake Trail -- Photo-merge
snoreis: Pear Lake Trail
snoreis: Pear Lake Trail
snoreis: Best Buds
snoreis: Tokopah Valley
snoreis: On the edge of the Watch Tower
snoreis: Granite Trees
snoreis: Tokopah Valley
snoreis: Not a trail Pop wants to do again
snoreis: Heather Lake greenery
snoreis: Pop with Aster Lake below
snoreis: Takin a look
snoreis: Medium Aster Lake
snoreis: Comparison
snoreis: Granite peak
snoreis: Aster Lake, Close
snoreis: Mist falls in Kings Canyon NP