samithawijesekara: Green explore first photo 😍❤️
samithawijesekara: One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. 🌺🍃
samithawijesekara: Flowers don’t tell. They show. 🌺🌺
samithawijesekara: Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better. ❤️🌺
samithawijesekara: Where flowers bloom so does hope. 🌼🐝💚
samithawijesekara: Green is the color of hope. 💚🍀
samithawijesekara: Hey bud, how’s it growing? 😍🌼
samithawijesekara: Life began in a garden. 🌻
samithawijesekara: Bloom with kindness 🌸🐝
samithawijesekara: Wildflowers 🌸🍃
samithawijesekara: There are no flowers more beautiful than orchids. 🌸
samithawijesekara: Always somewhere 🌻🐝
samithawijesekara: Orchids 🌸
samithawijesekara: Breathtaking evening 😍♥️🌸
samithawijesekara: Every petal tells a story 🌸♥️