Nisha A: the trail of the ship...
Nisha A: in the ship
Nisha A: faraway, so close!
Nisha A: like a tunnel...
Nisha A: travellers on the ship..
Nisha A: the water so blue...
Nisha A: on the road to ohio..
Nisha A: when the sun sets in the sky...
Nisha A: sunset amidst moving clouds...
Nisha A: the world thru my camera...
Nisha A: the splash of water...
Nisha A: new game every day...
Nisha A: capturing the world...
Nisha A: objects in the mirror are closer than they appear...
Nisha A: objects in mirror are closer than they appear...
Nisha A: hold on to those balloons...
Nisha A: only when I lose myself...
Nisha A: Mysore palace