sami_here: i <3333 pbr
sami_here: Don was mad I didn't have any pix of him
sami_here: A Hole in one! ha!
sami_here: lydia and i hung out
sami_here: elliot's outline
sami_here: we made sidewalk chalk outlines
sami_here: ELLIOT is tyte
sami_here: sun stuff
sami_here: cotton candy all shriveled up
sami_here: GIN AND TONIC
sami_here: pat at the mill
sami_here: asher
sami_here: best bananograms evar
sami_here: i <3 grain belt
sami_here: fireplace looks tyte
sami_here: tyyyte car
sami_here: leg lamp lights
sami_here: raspberry cosmo
sami_here: the day tara let me braid her hair
sami_here: a fort?
sami_here: sand lake daytime
sami_here: sand lake still getting darker
sami_here: RIP favorite shoes :(
sami_here: sand lake at dusk
sami_here: devin relaxing
sami_here: devoid and pat playing with bags
sami_here: durrin and max fishing
sami_here: fun with fishing
sami_here: mama crazi hair
sami_here: bro maskface