Nighthawk6359: Up the shaft
Nighthawk6359: There Is something creepy about this place
Nighthawk6359: The Chemical Works
Nighthawk6359: Substation Sprung an oil leak!
Nighthawk6359: Spooky!
Nighthawk6359: Spooky looking tanks
Nighthawk6359: On the roof
Nighthawk6359: Old Gas Tanks
Nighthawk6359: Land of rusty metal
Nighthawk6359: Insane!
Nighthawk6359: I dont think this equipment works!
Nighthawk6359: Huge Building!
Nighthawk6359: Hall of holes
Nighthawk6359: Hall of GIANTS
Nighthawk6359: Flipping Scary!
Nighthawk6359: Above All
Nighthawk6359: A differnt world...
Nighthawk6359: Yorkshire Chemicals