sph1970: treorchy wales
sph1970: crowfield fallen tree
sph1970: woods-27
sph1970: woods-23
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sph1970: sunset in rockfield 2
sph1970: sunset in rockfield
sph1970: pylon1
sph1970: misty
sph1970: newcastle monmouthshire
sph1970: rockfield rainbow1
sph1970: rockfield rainbow2
sph1970: rockfield web-27
sph1970: rockfield tree mist-36
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sph1970: rockfield fence-24
sph1970: pylon-41
sph1970: rockfield clouds
sph1970: newcastle to rockfield road
sph1970: rockfield
sph1970: rockfield sheep and cloud
sph1970: G9-138
sph1970: gate
sph1970: G9-112
sph1970: newcastle to rockfield road
sph1970: G9-106
sph1970: woowaa-waterfall 5
sph1970: woowaa-waterfall 4
sph1970: woowaa-waterfall 3
sph1970: woowaa-waterfall 2