J. B. Friday: Metrosideros polymorpha var. newellii
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): 'Akiapolaa'u - the rarest of the rare (North Male)
tustaflora: Lithops verruculosa
jqcl: 06700 002-01-8143 Labordia hosakana, occurrence 2, plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts.
Hawaiian Biota: Theridion sp Palawai 5029
Hawaiian Biota: Rugathodes sp Palawai 5027
Hawaiian Biota: Theridion grallator courting Thurston 4
jqcl: 03800 005-03-9358 Dodonaea viscosa in the strict sense (not including D. sandwicensis and D. stenoptera), Keawapilau-Makaleha plant 3. Hawai`i, O`ahu, northern Wai`anae Mountains, Keawapilau-Makaleha Ridge.
jqcl: 0300 001-01-4056 Crepidomanes minutum (Gonocormus minutus), occurrence 1. Growing on the trunk of a fallen tree. Hawai`i, O`ahu, windward central Ko`olau Mts.
State of Hawai'i: IMG_0780
hearman: 'IO or Hawaiian Hawk
Melanie Leeson: Hawaiian Hawk Immature 'Io (Buteo solitarius)
kauai-photo: Pueo or Hawaiian Owl
Forest & Kim: Happy Holidays
D.Eickhoff: Theridion grallator
Reggie1: Lithops
yellowcloud: Lithops 3395
f.arias: Lithops fulviceps C170
yellowcloud: Dissected Lithops 0127
weedmandan: Palila (Loxioides bailleui)
TEDxMaui: Front Row: Dr. Bradley Willcox, MD, Taimane Gardner, Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu (Kumu Hina), Lindsea K. Wilbur, Daniel Anthony, Back Row: Andrew Binkley, Adaptations Dance Theater, Adaptations Dance Theater, Sunny Savage, Samuel M. ‘Ohukani‘ōhi‘a Gon, III, Ph
TEDxMaui: Front Row: Dr. Bradley Willcox, MD, Taimane Gardner, Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu (Kumu Hina), Lindsea K. Wilbur, Daniel Anthony, Back Row: Andrew Binkley, Adaptations Dance Theater, Adaptations Dance Theater, Sunny Savage, Samuel M. ‘Ohukani‘ōhi‘a Gon, III, Ph
TEDxMaui: Samuel M. ‘Ohukani‘ōhi‘a Gon, III, PhD
theReptilehunter: IMG_9657dpp
W9JIM: Alcove Art
hawaiiankava: 2014 kava festival, halau mele
hawaiiankava: 2014 Kava Festival, Halau Mele entry
jqcl: Cheirodendron 1, `Ōpae`ula summit ridge, plant 1 (left), next to an average sized C. platyphyllum subsp. platyphyllum leaflet
henicorhina: Dubautia waialeale
Emily Jung Miller fine art: Wai'ale'ale aerial