sam farzaneh:
the breath taker, needs help for breathing
sam farzaneh:
Jazz is black and white (version 1)
sam farzaneh:
capturing his tunes
sam farzaneh:
looking for a tune?
sam farzaneh:
rhythm of a kiss
sam farzaneh:
the third party is a bird's company
sam farzaneh:
bowing before the music
sam farzaneh:
dancing on its neck
sam farzaneh:
Setar dream
sam farzaneh:
eyes tuning
sam farzaneh:
finding the vocalist
sam farzaneh:
you are my harp (goft ke to dar chang e mani)
sam farzaneh:
sahara tunes (version 2)
sam farzaneh:
sahara tunes (version 1)
sam farzaneh:
that's why they call it the blues
sam farzaneh:
cat'n' roll
sam farzaneh:
Jazz is beyond all races (version 1)
sam farzaneh:
jazz is black and white (version 2)
sam farzaneh:
jazz is black and white (version 3)
sam farzaneh:
"how fragile we are..."
sam farzaneh:
"I come undone"
sam farzaneh:
phantom of the audiences not in the opera
sam farzaneh:
the Spain's night (for Paul the octopus)
sam farzaneh:
polite feet
sam farzaneh:
rhythm by the face muscles
sam farzaneh:
inhale and exhale
sam farzaneh:
sam farzaneh:
solo dreams
sam farzaneh:
sound check
sam farzaneh:
Gaz turner (version 3)